End Appointment Scheduling Confusion

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"Users need to easily choose their timezone. Otherwise, confusion ensues."

Users Don't Always Choose Their Timezone for Appointments

The popup appointment calendar that SuiteDash provides does a great job of letting users select meeting times, but it can be easy for them to miss the little dropdown at the top where they need to select their timezone. As a result, they often think they're scheduling a meeting at one time, when in reality they may be scheduling it for a different time in the target timezone.

What Makes This A Problem?

1. Missed Appointments

Unless you somehow catch-on to the discrepancy, both you and the client/prospect end up waiting for each other at the wrong time. Not a good look. At all.

2. Upset Clients or Prospects

I don't know about you, but the last thing I want is to annoy a client unnecessarily. When you're dealing with prospects, this is not a good start to your potential business relationship.

3. Wasted Time and Resources

Whatever your lead acquisition costs are, I'm sure you don't want those resources to go to waste and you don't want to lose out on the opportunities they represent. You certainly don't want to waste your time preparing for a meeting at the wrong time either!

How To Avoid This

There are a couple steps we can take to ensure that our scheduling goes as planned. They are:

1. Set Your Correct Timezone

Make sure your profile has the correct setting for your timezone. You can update your timezone setting by visiting your_suitedash_portal_url/user/myAccount.

2. Make it easy for users to choose their timezone

To make the timezone selection stand out a bit more, and give the user some guidance, we'll add some Custom CSS in the Platform Branding page at your_suitedash_portal_url/company/customizeTheme.

Here's what the Custom CSS section of the page looks like:

Here's a link to the CSS we're adding:

Download Timezone Selector CSS

Simply copy the CSS in that file to the Custom CSS input field on the Platform Branding page.

Here's a brief video that shows the before and after:

And that's It! Now visitors are less likely to skip the timezone selection and, hopefully, that will lead to less scheduling confusion.

About Pure Source

Pure Source is a SuiteDash Validated Agency Partner experienced in using SuiteDash to grow businesses.
Contact us to automate your workflows, create client portals, and integrate advanced features so you can start growing in 1 week.